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What is BitTorrent coin?

BitTorrent coin was started by the Tron Foundation who had purchased BitTorrent a while back. They created the BitTorrent coin to capitalise on the worldwide popularity of BitTorrent and launched a coin of the same name.

Where to buy BitTorrent stock?

If you would like to know where to buy BitTorrent at the current rate, the top cryptocurrency exchanges for trading in BitTorrent stock are currently Bitget, and PancakeSwap (V2). You can find others listed on our crypto exchanges page. To find out even more about this project, check out our deep dive of BitTorrent. What Is BitTorrent (BTT)?

What is BitTorrent token (BTT)?

BTT is supposed to act as the bridge for easier transactions involving available computing resources between the users of BitTorrent protocol and service providers and requesters. All transactions involving the provision of various services within the future ecosystem will be denominated in BTT tokens.

What is BTT coin?

BTT coin is a TRC-10 utility token, based on the TRON technology. It is a token designed to monetize BitTorrent protocol, as well as incentivize a vast community dedicated to file sharing to participate in the best practices of torrenting.

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